10 Apr 2024 Community
Colin’s Fancy Nails Fundraiser
The Kirkwood is always proud of the people who give up their time to fundraise for us as a charity. Without these kind hearted people in Kirklees we wouldn't be able to keep caring and supporting those people in our community who are living with a life limiting illness.
Colin Watson is one of our great fundraisers who decided to do something a little bit different. Colin decided to paint his nails with a Christmas theme back in December 2023 and people sponsored him doing this. Colin's local community got right behind him including Ellam’s Gym in Mirfield and Sarah’s Wish Support Group. Colin's nails were painted by Beauty By Lauren and commissioned by Jerome Barbers. Many people dug deep in their pockets and Colin finally achieved the total of £802,50 which is an amazing amount of money raised for The Kirkwood.
On his fundraising efforts Colin said: “I'm 78 years old and I wanted to do something for The Kirkwood. A wonderful charity that helps care for people in Kirklees. I wanted to do something but I knew I couldn't run up a mountain or skydive or anything like that.
“Since my wife died I've decided to live life how I want to. I don't want to be an old 78 year old smoking my pipe and sitting in a chair, I like to get out and about. I've had tattoos done and done the things I wanted to. I've had my nails painted before but this time I thought it'd be great to raise funds for The Kirkwood on the back of me doing it.
“I'm not the best on computers and so people helped me set up a JustGiving page and they put my fundraiser on Facebook and social media.
“I thought any money we'd raise would be great but to raise over £800 is just unimaginable. I never thought someone just having their nails painted could raise such an amazing amount of money.
“I'd like to thank everyone who has been involved with this fundraiser. You've made me very happy and proud to know we've collectively raised a brilliant amount of funds.
“To have people come up to me in the pub and ask me about why I had my nails painted and then proceed to go around the pub collecting money for me, or to have people come up to me and giving me £2,50 out of their purse and apologise for not giving me more was very humbling. It shows there are still good people in the world.
“Thanks also to The Kirkwood for the care and support they give people. I have known a few people to be cared for by them and the work they do is just amazing. The Kirkwood is so important to Kirklees and it should always be respected and cherished.”
Everyone in The Kirkwood movement would like to thank Colin for his fundraising efforts.
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