Referrals to The Kirkwood

You can find all the information you need about how to make a referral to The Kirkwood in the information below. 

Making a Referral

Referrals to all The Kirkwood's services may be made using our Referral Form for Professionals by clicking here. Alternatively, you can get in touch with our Connect with The Kirkwood team on: 01484 557 910

People considering being referred may arrange to visit The Kirkwood Hospice by contacting the Community Palliative Care Team, who will make an appointment for them to visit and ensure someone is available to spend time with them.

All referrals are considered on an individual basis

Who Can Refer for Hospice Services?

Referrals may be made by:

  • Primary Health Care Team members.
  • Other SPC teams.
  • Hospital Consultants, hospital Nurses or Clinical Nurse Specialists, e.g. cancer site specific Nurse Specialists.
  • Any health or social care professional involved in the patient’s care.
  • The patient, a relative or friend.

Before any contact or visit is made to the patient, the agreement of their General Practitioner (GP) or Hospital Consultant will be obtained either by their signature on the referral form, or by telephone or through SystmOne.

Discussion is always welcome about how to make a referral or whether a referral is required. If you require any further information please contact our Connect with The Kirkwood service on: 01484 557 910

Patients at Home

For people at home, the District Nurse or GP will usually initiate a referral. However, we also welcome referrals from patients, families and carers. A member of The Kirkwood’s Community Palliative Care Team will arrange to make a home visit to assess the patient’s needs with both the patient and their family.

Patients in Hospital

People in hospital can be transferred to The Kirkwood's Hospice. The staff on hospital wards will usually start the referral process. They will ask a member of the hospital’s Palliative Care Team to make an assessment, which they will forward to us.

Emergency Referrals

Urgent requests for admission between 4.30pm and 8.30am are considered according to individual need and availability of beds. Out of hours admissions will only be arranged following full discussion between The Kirkwood's Doctor, Nurse in Charge and the patient's GP or hospital Consultant.

Referral Procedures

Referral Procedures

Referral Procedures for Home Support, Admission and Support & Therapy Centre Attendance Fallback

  • Referrals may be made by telephone, by secure email or by using SystmOne tasks
  • All referrers will be asked for as much information as possible with particular emphasis upon the patient’s identified SPC needs and the level of support required. Where referrals contain insufficient information or lack clarity the referrer will be contacted for further information before any contact is made with the patient

All referrals will be entered on an electronic patient record (SystmOne) for clinical and statistical purposes. Written consent to share The Kirkwood’s electronic record with other health and social care professionals involved in the care of the patient will be obtained at the first face to face contact

Referrals for Community Specialist Palliative Care Team (SPCT) Home Assessment or Admission Fallback

  • Contact will be made regarding all referrals within two working days (in urgent cases, contact is made within 24 hours). Telephone advice is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. From 8.30am - 4.30pm  Monday to Friday, advice will be given by the Community Specialist Palliative Care Team. At all other times advice will be provided by the dedicated advice line team on: 01484 557910
  • Visits will be arranged according to individual need, with priority being given to patients with uncontrolled symptoms where treatment changes have been unsuccessful, severe psychological distress or unexpected care breakdown
  • Compliance with this standard will be audited annually by the Community Services Manager
  • District nurses will made aware by task on SystmOne of all referrals received
  • In all cases patients will be contacted to arrange a mutually convenient appointment. Visits will take place within one hour either side of the appointment time
  • Where there are unavoidable delays to a patient’s visit, the patient will be contacted and informed of the delay. If necessary, a further appointment will be offered at a time convenient to the patient
  • A comprehensive, holistic SPC assessment will take place. This will be documented on SystmOne
  • An agreed plan of care will be made in consultation with the patient and their carers. The referrer and other professionals involved will be informed of the outcome of the assessment, the plan of care and the review process
  • Patients will be discharged from these services with appropriate support and care packages once their SPC needs have been addressed

Referrals for Counselling or Psychological Assessment & Support (Pre & Post Bereavement) Fallback

Please see Family Care Team Operational Policy which can be accessed by clicking here

Need clinical advice?
Call our advice line on:

01484 557910

24 hrs a day