Statement of Purpose

Service Provider

Kirkwood Hospice (also known as The Kirkwood Support Life)

Kirkwood Hospice is a registered charity (Registered Charity number 512987) and a Company limited by guarantee in England (01645888). Kirkwood Hospice is registered and therefore licensed to provide services by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) (provider number: 1-101-728-202)


Service Provider Main Location

21 Albany Road

Telephone: 01484 557 900


Registered Manager

Lynne Hall-Bentley RGN/RSCN

Telephone: 01484 557 900 


Regulated Activities

Kirkwood Hospice provides treatment for all people who have advanced, progressive life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, neurological diseases, advanced heart and lung disease and end stage kidney failure, or a life limiting disease.

Care is provided to those over the age of 18 who are residents in the Kirklees area regardless of protected characteristics, e.g. race, religion, sexual orientation. In addition, Kirkwood Hospice is registered to provide diagnostic and screening procedures and to provide medical advice remotely.


Mission Statement

Kirkwood Hospice provides specialist care, free of charge, to adults in Kirklees with advanced, progressive illnesses or a life limiting illness at any time from diagnosis to the end of life, respecting their individual needs and wishes.  Care and support is also provided for their family members, friends and carers, both during the illness and after death. Through education, training and partnership with others the hospice improves care for everyone affected by a life limiting illness. 


Services Provided at the Location

  • ·In-Patient Care, 16 beds accepting admissions 24/7
  • Community Palliative Care Team, specialist nursing advice and support for patients in their usual place of residence.7 days 8.30am to 4.30pm
  • End of Life Care Dementia Care Nurse (Available Monday- Friday)
  • Care home support nurses (Available Monday – Friday)
  • 24/7 Telephone Advice Line for professionals, patients and carers
  • Family and Spiritual Care Team, specialist emotional and psychological support including counselling for adults and children before or after bereavement (available Monday-Friday and weekends if required)
  • Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care (Available Monday-Friday and weekends)
  • Social Workers (available Monday – Friday)
  • Multi-Professional Therapies Team (available Monday –Friday and at weekends if required)
  • Care Co-ordination (available Monday – Friday).

Information leaflets are available about these services. Our website contains information about all our services: or you may contact us on: 01484 557 900.