Home How we can help Caring for Patients End of Life Care Admiral Nurse Service
End of Life Care Admiral Nurse Service
Our community based Admiral Nurse provides specialist advice, guidance, training and support to people, their families and carers (and organisations who support them) living with advanced dementia in Kirklees.
What We Offer
- An open referral system: these can be made by families, carers, friends or professionals
- A partnership, working with GPs and Community Nurses as the dementia advances, as end of life approaches and as specialist care, advice and support is needed
- A partnership, working with social care professionals, hospital specialists and specialist nurses (including the Kirklees Admiral Nurse team)
- Home visits and telephone advice support for those living with advanced dementia
The Kirkwood Admiral Nurse
The Admiral Nurse is based within The Kirkwood Hospice in Dalton, Huddersfield and works Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm.
The Admiral Nurse can be contacted via the Connect with The Kirkwood service on: 01484 557 910
You are welcome to contact the Admiral Nurse to discuss a referral.
How We Can Help
- Emotional support and assessment of needs
- Information about dementia and treatments
- Specialist advice on managing advancing dementia and its symptoms
- Specialist advice and support as people with dementia approach the end of life
- Information, support and assistance with Advance Care Planning (ACP)
- Referral and links to other services and organisations who may be able to help you
- Access to other services provided at the Hospice such as Family Therapy and Complementary Therapy
- Support with training and development of the workforce
Find Out More
If you would like to find out more about the Admiral Nursing Service at The Kirkwood or wish to discuss how you can be referred, please call our Connect with The Kirkwood service on: 01484 557 910
If you require clinical advice outside of normal working hours, call the The Kirkwood's 24/7 Advice Line on: 01484 557 910
If you would like to print this information, you can find a link to our Admiral Nurse leaflet at the foot of this page.
Need clinical advice?
Call our advice line on:
01484 557910
24 hrs a day