Home How we can help Information for Professionals End of Life Care Best Practice Workbook for Support and Care Staff

End of Life Care Best Practice Workbook for Support and Care Staff

This webpage is the online home for the End of Life Care Best Practice Workbook, developed by the Kirklees and Calderdale End Of Life Training and Education Group and launched in October 2018.

Please note this webpage is intended for professionals only.

You can download a copy of the workbook by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

The workbook provides information, practical tips and resources. It has been designed to act as a resource which can be accessed as and when required or used as part of training.

Each carer/ support worker will have up to 6 months to complete the Workbook.

Each carer/ support worker will be supervised with this work by either the manager or senior person within the care home/community setting.

For additional resources, including assessment tools, please click here.

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