Home News New technology helping patients

8 Apr 2016 Personal Stories

New technology helping patients

Last year, the Hospice was delighted to receive funding for five iPads. The grant also allowed the team to purchase a state-of-the-art communication app, which makes it easier for people to talk with relatives, friends and staff.

For some patients on our In-Patient Unit, their symptoms dramatically impact on their ability to communicate.

Funding for five new iPads has opened up a range of new ways for patients to communicate. For some, the technology offers a simple way to speak to the Hospice team and express their feelings or wishes. For others, video calling apps make it easy to keep in touch with loved ones.

For Graham Wainwright, using an iPad offered him the chance to take his mind off his illness and to relax.

iPads were a revelation for Graham, who was cared for on the In-Patient Unit for a number of weeks before Christmas. After being shown how to use YouTube, he became fascinated
with documentaries about the moon landings and archaeology.

“Well I have never seen anything like this.” said Graham. “I’ve got to 78 years old and I didn’t realise there was such a thing.

“When the nurse brought me one I wasn’t sure, but she got it set up for me and showed me what to do.

“She brought it at about seven one evening and I was still watching it at 12 o’clock that night. They set it up for me so I could just scroll up and down. I can watch videos for hours and run the battery down.”

“When you’re not well, you can watch something like this sitting in your chair or in bed and while the time away.

“I always like to be doing stuff. My family are going to get me one when I leave the Hospice.”

Graham also spoke of the generosity of those who donate to the Hospice.

He said: “It’s very nice that someone has donated these iPads and is thinking about someone that isn’t in such a good situation.

“I would have been lost without one of these iPads. It really helps to take my mind off my illness.”

Graham was also keen to express his thoughts on the Hospice and its team.

He said: “My care here has been first class. Everyone goes out of their way to help. I am very priveldged to have been cared for by the Hospice.”

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