Home News Colin's Story

8 Sep 2023 Care

Colin’s Story

Here in Kirklees, we provide care and support for people in their own homes, in care homes and on our In-Patient Unit. Our care doesn’t stop at our hospice in Dalton.

When we first made contact with Colin from Huddersfield, he was living with a terminal illness, battling depression, and living in vulnerable housing. Life was difficult. He didn’t have a safe space to call home and he wasn’t getting the care that he desperately needed. Colin openly admits that if The Kirkwood hadn’t been there, things were so bad he had considered suicide.

Colin reflects: “When I found out my cancer was terminal, I asked what the next steps would be, and I was told nothing could be done. It’s hard to explain to people who haven’t got a long term illness, but when you have one and then you have other issues going on in your life on top of that, it’s like a monsoon, a tidal wave of negativity just hitting you all the time. 

“I was in denial, I was drinking a lot of alcohol and taking a lot of drugs as that was the only way I could cope at the time. That went on for four years, it wasn’t about feeling sorry for myself, I just didn’t know what to do or how to cope. I found it difficult to contemplate what was happening to me.” 

Colin admits that although he had heard of us as a charity, he didn’t feel that our services were for people like him. However, looking back Colin now feels that The Kirkwood actively saved his life and that the care we provide for him is nothing short of life changing. 

“I had heard of The Kirkwood but didn’t think it was for people like me when my GP asked me what I felt I needed after I was diagnosed. All I said to him was that I needed something for my acute anxiety and depression, which I have struggled with since birth. That was just enhanced with the news that I had got terminal cancer. “It was getting harder and harder to cope with everything. When The Kirkwood first helped me, they talked to me like I was a living, breathing human – not just some number on a sheet.” 

The Kirkwood team were able to help Colin to find a new flat where he now feels comfortable and safe. This has made Colin feel like he can achieve the things that others take for granted. He’s now making small steps forward and feels more optimistic about the future. 

“When they found this flat for me it was life changing, it’s a big thing to say, but it saved my life no doubt about it. I’m not talking from a physical sense but a psychological point of view. I was unfortunately in a care home at one point which I didn’t like, there were lots of problems I had in there and I didn’t feel comfortable. I can’t thank The Kirkwood enough for helping me to find a new home.” 

The Kirkwood now supports Colin with regular visits and phone calls to check in to see how he is. That frequent contact makes him feel cared for, and he appreciates the communication with people that care and understand the issues he is dealing with. 

“When the staff from The Kirkwood visit me it’s great, we have a good chat, and they talk to me about the things that are important to me. There is no stigma or pressure, and they are good listeners. I enjoy the contact I have with The Kirkwood; I see myself as being part of their family, their movement of people. They have helped me enormously and the help and support they provide has helped me to make my life better. Knowing they are there makes me feel more positive, it lifts those dark clouds on my mind, so they don’t feel as heavy.”

As well as help and support from The Kirkwood, Colin also has a great relationship with his independent carer and friend, Simon, who he wanted to thank in this article. Colin and Simon see each other pretty much every day and have each other’s backs. 

We care for people like Colin in the communities they live in. We personalise our care so that our patients can focus on what matters most to them. This involves working with other organisations across Kirklees to achieve the best outcomes for our patients. 

If you or someone you care for is living with an illness like Colin, Connect with The Kirkwood on: 01484 557 910

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