Home How you can help Events Leeds Marathon

Event Details

Name: Leeds Marathon

Date: 11 May 2025

Location: AMT Headingley Stadium, Leeds

Leeds Marathon

Run the Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon for The Kirkwood this May!

Thank you for your interest in our running challenges.

We have a limited number of places available for this run, and as a charity, we have to bid for those places. Although we can not guarantee a place with the Leeds Marathon we would love you to run for The Kirkwood.

Run for The Kirkwood, charity funded
Reg: £66 | Min Sponsorship: £400

If you are interested in running the Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon in May 2025 for The Kirkwood please click the button below to fill in our short form and a member from our fundraising team will contact you to discuss your potential place and sponsorship.

If you have secured your own ballot place for next year's Yorkshire Marathon and would like to run for The Kirkwood, raising vital funding towards the care and services we provide to those living with life-limiting illnesses in your community, please contact our friendly fundraising team on the following:

Call: 01484 557 911
Email: fundraising@thekirkwood.org.uk

Need clinical advice?
Call our advice line on:

01484 557910

24 hrs a day