The Kirkwood provide a range of services for patients with life limiting illnesses and their families. These are summarised briefly below:
Community Palliative Care team
An experienced team of Clinical Nurse Specialists providing symptom management, future planning and advice in a person’s usual place of residence. This service is supported by hospice doctors and linking with existing community services including GP, district nursing and social care teams etc.
Care Co-ordination
A support team led by social workers which helps people to navigate through the potential options they may have for social and financial support. Like the Community Palliative Care team, they do not provide “hands on” care.
Support & Therapy service
A team that provides a wide range of holistic interventions to help manage common symptoms and issues of people with life limiting illnesses, often in a group therapy environment with other people with similar needs.
In-Patient hospice services
Once assessed, patients known to The Kirkwood or palliative care services in hospital may be eligible for a period of in-patient care in the hospice. Here, people receive management of physical, psychological, social or spiritual symptoms by a multi-professional team, when these symptoms cannot be adequately managed in a person’s usual environment. This is sometimes, but not always, at the end of life. Unfortunately we cannot provide either respite care or a long term place of care.
The Kirkwood’s team of counsellors help to support people’s psychological, emotional and spiritual needs. These services are offered to patients and families, pre-or post-bereavement. We offer both ndividual or group sessions.
Advice and guidance
This can be given across all The Kirkwood’s services but Connect with The Kirkwood will be able to give specific advice about which of our services might suit a person. The team will also be able to offer guidance about any other services not directly provided by The Kirkwood a person may be eligible for.
Urgent clinical advice may be sought through The Kirkwood’s 24/7 Advice Line on: 01484 557 910. Our 24/7 Advice Line is the only service offered by The Kirkwood can be accessed overnight by people living in their usual place or residence.