If you are living with or affected by any life limiting illness, call us for advice and guidance and support.
Call us on: 01484 557 910
It's FREE to call Connect with The Kirkwood and you can do it from any phone. Our team are available from 8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Outside of normal working hours all calls to our Connect with The Kirkwood service are diverted to our 24/7 Advice Line. If you call out of hours, the call operator will take some basic details and arrange for you to be called back during Connect with The Kirkwood hours (typically the next working day).
Please note: Connect with The Kirkwood is not an emergency service. If you require emergency support, please contact the emergency services directly.
Connect with The Kirkwood is a new service designed to make it simple for patients, relatives and carers, as well as healthcare professionals, to reach out for advice and get access to The Kirkwood’s range of clinical services. You don't need to have been referred to The Kirkwood or know about the services we offer in order to contact our Connect with The Kirkwood team. The only criteria is that the person being referred is living with or has been affected by a life limiting illness.
Our aim is to make sure The Kirkwood’s range of services are easily accessible to everyone who is eligible for them and Connect with The Kirkwood will make is easier for people in need to reach out for help - at any stage of their illness.
What can I call you about?
You can talk to us about a wide range of subjects including:
Information about the services we offer
Guidance on which services might be appropriate for you
Referrals into our services
Signposting to other support provided by The Kirkwood
Signposting to other organisations who might be able to help
Our team are trained to answer many of the questions you may have about your condition and the ways in which The Kirkwood can help you. They also work with experienced healthcare professionals from The Kirkwood and other organisations to support our service users.
Is Connect with The Kirkwood for me?
Connect with The Kirkwood has been designed to make it easy for anyone to reach out for advice and support and we encourage anyone to call or contact us if they think we might be able to help. We also encourage healthcare professionals to share information about Connect with The Kirkwood with their service users and encourage them to get in touch where appropriate.